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STUDIO VISIT: 'The Micro phenomenological Method' Interview with Kat Heimann. 28 January 2023


Kat Heimann is trained in philosophy and cognitive neuroscience. As assistant professor at the Interacting Minds Center at Aarhus University, she combines physiological measurements and micro-phenomenology (a guided introspection method) to explore playfulness, aesthetic experiences, and their relation to sustainable development.

Kat is also a participant in Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting (EER), a collaborative project led by Olafur Eliasson and scientist Andreas Roepstorff. This video was filmed during the EER lab at PSM gallery, in Berlin, from 14 January to 25 February 2023. As part of the exhibition Nature is an event that never stops, by artist and EER member Sophie Erlund, the EER lab hosted a set of activities run by artists and scientists as a public programme accompanying the exhibition. For her contribution to the lab, Kat Heimann conducted micro-phenomenological interviews over three consecutive days with visitors to the exhibition.


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